Start Date 1 End Date 1

  • Paste line(s) that contain date(s). Moka Math will parse the dates out and enter them into this application.
  • One or two dates per line are accepted
  • Dates must be separated by spaces and/or tabs
  • Lines without dates will be ignored
  • Accepted date formats:
    • MM/DD/YYYY
    • MM-DD-YYYY
    • YYYY/MM/DD
    • YYYY-MM-DD
Measurement Calculation
Y + M + D
(ignoring leap years
Days / 365)

  1. Enter in math equation that uses + , - , * , or /.
  2. Do not type =.
  3. Press SPACE when finished for Moka Math to give answer.
  4. Press ENTER to go to the next line.